
Seo fógra atá anois le feiscint i bpictiúrlanna in Eirinn. Feictear é díreach sula tosnaíonn an phríomh-scannán. Cuireann sé i gcuimhne don lucht féachana go bhfuil gá le ciúnas.

Léirithe ó thús go deireadh trí Ghaelainn i nGaeltacht Oileán Chléire.

Tá an fógra ar fáil i bhformáidí éagsúla, DCP san áireamh. Téigh i teagmháil led’ thoil i gcóir breis eolais.


This is a cinema announcement now screening in select Irish cinemas. It plays right before the main film begins and reminds the audience of the need for quiet.

Produced beginning-to-end in the Irish language on the Gaeltacht island of Cape Clear.

The commercial is available in a variety of formats, including DCP. Please contact us for more details.


Seo leagan fada den bhfógra.

Bailíonn sé le chéile trí ghnéithe a mbaineann go mór le saol ar an oileán: fairtheoireacht éan, áilleacht agus fuíollach tithe folmhaigh.

‘Ciúnas’ (leagan fada)

This is a long version of the commercial.

It brings together three things the island is well-known for: birdwatching, beauty and an abundance of vacant houses.

‘Quiet’ (long version)